Hands that fueled my Cradle (A tribute to Mother)


I don’t remember it and
I can’t forget it either; I
mean, her first touch.
Though I arrived in this
world without any
luggage of language but
I don’t know how (does anyone?)
I pronounced
the word ma all by myself.
On one hand I
am still oblivious to the
exact moment when
that mysterious word
escaped me for the first
time and on the other,
the sublime emotional
resonance of her first
touch upon my soft,
ignorant and naive skin
has nested – like my
own conscience –
within me forever.
And whenever I feel the
resonance of it
choreographing my
soul, birth seems like a
euphoric swing
between physical
heaven and mental
The first time she took
me in her hands and
pressed me softly
against her bosom I
was subliminally
connected to my
identity: I was a man.
The first time she
offered me her milk, it
transpired a realization
in me: I needed a
woman to provide me
with the strength that
epitomises a man.
The first time she prepared
Cerelac for me I
foresaw: I’ll need a
woman for my growth.
The first time she took
my hands and feet onto
hers and taught me
how to walk, my
subconscious conjured:
I needed a woman for
the direction that
eventually decides the
difference between a
man and a human. The
first time she scolded
me when I picked up
foul language in
primary school I learnt:
I needed a woman to
punctuate me. The first
time she helped me
with my bath I
understood: I needed a
woman to rinse me of
all my dirt. But the
incident that helped me
realize the real value of
a mother – probably
the most significant
manifestation of
womanhood –
happened one night
when she lit a candle
during a power cut.
The stubborn wind,
continuously peeping in
through the open
windows, denied the
candle flame a stasis.
As a reflex, my mother
placed both her hands
around the flame.
Within seconds it
calmed the flickering
flame down lighting the
area properly and also
those dark corners of
ignorance within me,
once and for all. I
realized had it not been
for her caring and
comforting presence
The flame of my
existence would have
flickered relentlessly
under the influence of
the wind of delusions
and temptations. And
perhaps extinguish too,
way before the true
potential was achieved…!!!
She is always
surrounded with an
aura that is a
pronunciation of the
substance that a
genuine woman is
made of. I have even
seen one of my father’s
office colleagues
touching her feet! I
didn’t understand that
at first but as I grew up
and women – in
various avatars –
touched my life there
were instances when I
tried to find my mother
in them. I wasn’t
successful every time
but whenever I was, I
felt honoured to bow
The most shocking
thing about my mother
is she does the same
thing every day. And
the most surprising
thing is she does it with
a smile. An entire life in
the well of monotony!
As if a mother never
lives for herself. Every
action, urge, wish in
her is because of a
surreal reaction to her
family’s needs and
“Were you always like
this, living for others?”
“Then is that the
change a woman goes
through when she
becomes a mother?”
“A woman connects
with the woman inside
when she becomes a
mother.” She had a
twinkle in her eyes
when she said it. I
believed it was a tear
but she termed it pride.
I think the greatest
blessing for any flame is
the hand that guards it
from flickering. And
how the flame burns
depends, to an extent,
upon the warmth of the
hand. Yet sometimes
we take things so much
for granted that we
tend to ignore the very
basic element that
helps – at different
stages of our existence
– cement the bricks of
sanity together to build
a healthy wall of living
for us.
It’s not that I have seen
my mother play only a
mother. Like the
different seasons she
too has played various
roles exclusive of each
other. As if within her
resides the climate of
creation. And in doing
so she has allowed us
to reap the benefits of
all the different facets
sown within her.
As I continue to see her
getting caressed by
time, I have confessed
to myself that a woman
– doesn’t matter the
role – is, above all, the
climax of a man’s life….!

Harsh ways to let Success come to you!! Guaranteed

Disclaimer – The lines that you are about to read, will change your life upside down. Provided you re-read each line with utmost sincerity and dedication. Don’t try to skip through any line, as each is connected. After all you can’t hope to reach 80 years of age without going through 50. I hope you got the meaning. Happy reading. 

We all are faced with a situation in our life when we are stuck, when we see our ship going no-where. When the burden of dreams seem so heavy to be carried and reach a point where we “define” ourselves as successful. There are times when we staunch and feel that we will achieve everything with great ease but then slowly as the time passes by, we are caught up in a fight not with the world, but with our inner demon, A demon so strong that may be you can achieve all your dreams, all your aspirations but at that very stage of self-motivation, we feel so weak to even look at that inner demon. We get scared, we ignore it. And in return it feeds on your fear and grows stronger. So what is that demon and how to “wham it!! Wham it hard so that it learns to obey you as a master not as slave”?

Let’s have a 10-Points walk-through on how to really be marvelous and squeeze the juice outta life 😉 yee-haw.

  1. Success in progressBrainwashing– First thing to do is to define How would you define success?

If any common Layman asks you this question what would your response be? Forget about layman just ask your-self deep in you, this is going to be a very Important question. Close your eyes and ask it…for many people the answers would come as

  • Achieving my dream
  • To accumulate enormous wealth
  • To have a great bungalow, Car and what not.

If you also have above answers as common or more like these then I am so sorry to Inform you that you are sorely mislead by the Demon in you. Now what really is Success? Success, is not a destination. It is the by-product of a process. It is not Achieved, it falls into your lap. It reaches you, it pursues you only when you have done what is not running for it and not even CARING about god-damn success. After all who has really seen success walking through the roads and saying, hey, “Voila! I am success you were looking for”. This is what Brainwashing is, knowing what success really is what matters, rather than spending lifetime running after it and in-return getting nothing. The most important step is to clearly define these things first….

  • What you love doing. only you can know this. No help from outside.
  • Where you see yourself after 5 years from now, close your eyes and imagine it. The better you’re imagining at, more chances you will be there 🙂
  • Write your goals on a piece of paper & keep it with you no matter what. Always have a look at it when you’re down and feel you’re weak.

2. Belief – 

Another most important thing and your companion is going to be your belief. They power of belief is so much lesser known. The more you have belief in your desires and commitment the better is your chance of escalating towards the “Success”. The concept here is known as the “Law of attraction”. Your each thought when studied scientifically is a wave, which is sent out to the universe. The better the thoughts, better is the resonance. Powerful thoughts go out in the universe and bring about the change that you wish to desire. They are so much Powerful. Never ever even try to be negative and doubt your capability. You can’t risk messing with the universe (y) . Always believe yourself, your parents who have brought you in this world, who know you better than others. Just DO IT!!!

3. Never Try, Try and Try….

You must have heard thousands of people around you saying success is all about doing the same thing again and again. These are the people who themselves have achieved nothing and are good at advocating things to the people. Well, let me state one thing right in their face. There is no second chance. Life is brutal, It serves you with  one chance and notices what you do with it. If you are careful enough and give your 100% to the situation, life bows before you and lets you staunch into the heaven’s bliss. So thumb line, ??? Just give your best shot, the very best shot that you can give. Even if your heart is burning, eyes are Hazy, your legs are trembling, Don’t quit. Second chances are rare in life. All you have is one go. Just accelerate. Get the speed now. You are near, very near. Again have belief.

4. Time is an asset you just can’t spend easily. 

There are many people who have this habit of saying that we will do it later. There is plenty of time. Even people very close to me say, I have time, I will handle the situation later. Again, more busy you’re in battling the time, managing the time. Some other person might exist who will have the same dreams as you, same wishes as you, and who knows even better brain and willpower than you?, will be working, toiling hard to achieve what is yours. And you? You are busy in tackling the time. Such a pity, that you don’t value the most important asset. How to face this issue?? Always tell yourself, no matter where you are. That at this very moment, someone is up, someone is trying to steal from me. Someone is chasing after the dream which I have, someone is running ahead of me, While I am busy doing nothing. So where will you be if you keep fearing? No where!!!!

5. Follow you’re Intuition.

Even if you see yourself failing, never get down. Never let you knees bend. Don’t ever think about choosing easy ways. Always, Always choose the Path where you may face the hardest of challenges. Try yourself more, push yourself to the limits. You are the hero of your life. You are the creator. Always have the nerves of the steel, Heart of a lion. Stay upbeat and never have a slightest of the doubt that you can bite the dust, defeat is not in your destiny. Defeat is not what you know. All you know is what you had written in that very piece of paper that you’re holding from STEP-1 above.

Now, The MOST Important step.


6. Detach yourself from the world. 

This is the Final kill for you, the final kill for the demon in you. This step can either be a nail in the coffin for you or the demon. Let me state one thing here, Those birds which have high flight written in destiny for them never fall in love with the branches of trees they rest on. They rest there and go away. Success comes from dedicating yourself to one person you know the best. That person is you and only you. You only know yourself, be greedy about your time, about your dreams, throw yourself over the ropes and just keep on climbing. When you are isolated from the world, both physically and mentally. The power of manifestation start turning in your favor. You will see miracles that you will pull through easily if you can master the art of staying isolated. you need no one, but you. You DON’T have to socialize and know other’s opinion. Be a leader!!! Be someone who is not a follower but has people following him. Be an example. The better you are at talking to the best person you know (That is only you, trust me!!) The better is your chances of getting there. Your SUCCESS!!

In the end I will finish off with a quote here, Great things are not done by impulse, but series of smaller great things done in sequence.  So, all the above steps, just follow them, master them, keep them in mind all the time. And i assure you, The beautiful dawn of success will be bestowed upon you soon enough. If you have learnt anything important from this post, kindly share it. Kindly spread the word. Help us grow. Let the world know about these steps, after all you are the source of success of this post. thank you…and good luck!!!


How to Read Multiple Books Simultaneously and Remember Everything :) !!

A few months back, while trying to recall some information, I came to realize that I often only remember a hazy outline of the books I read.

This really bothered me – as trivial as it may seem, I couldn’t accept that after investing countless hours reading, I could only remember an outline of a book and little detail. I wanted to do something about it.

There had to be a way to remember more –  there just had to be. Naturally, I dived in and started reading all I could about memory – soaking up information from books and articles, but I didn’t stop there, no – I started experimenting. Below is the simple three step system I use for reading for maximum retention. I don’t claim to have crafted anything revolutionary, but what I have done is pull existing ideas together to solve a specific problem: How to read multiple books simultaneously and remember (almost) everything. Definitely something worth sharing. Why read multiple books simultaneously? As strage as it may sound, I don’t read one book at a time, and I can’t imagine doing so. As a curious lover of knowledge I find myself jumping around from book to book, wanting to learn everything about everything, so I sought out to optimize my approach to reading. You may not want to read ten books simultaneous!! – that’s ok. This simple method can still help you remember more of what you read. The three steps are: 1. Read one chapter at a time 2. Makes notes as you read 3. Review notes before and after reading As you can see, this it’s really simple. You’re probably thinking too simple, but that’s what we need: simplicity. When I read, I want to focus on reading – I don’t want a system or method getting in the way. Let’s take a look at why this system actually works.

Information is best retained when broken into small ‘chunks’ a classic everyday example is in the way we read and recite telephone numbers. 0207 123 1231 vs 02071231231 Was it easier to remember the first string of numbers? I’m certain you’ll say yes. However, a better question is: why are a string of numbers broken into chunks easier to remember? Because the brain is able to focus more intensely when it has less to deal with. This isn’t rocket science – you probably could have told me this. However, is this piece of knowledge you apply? Information is useless without application. The first step in my method is to read one chapter at a time. The idea is to constrain information so the brain is given a better opportunity to focus. For a while, chunking seemed only useful for improving short term memory, that is until I read “Moon waling” with Einstein. This book showed me how powerful chunking can be for long-term memory when combined with Mnemonics. While I don’t feel Mnemonics is a practical solution for remembering details from a book – It did have me wondering what else I could combine chunking with to maximise how much I remember from reading.

That’s when I re-discovered the forgetting curve!! aaha!! 😛


The forgetting curve was first discovered by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus. Through a series of experiments, he discovered when newly aquired information begins to deteriorate, and that by reviewing information at these points improves retention drastically. This was a great discovery. The forgetting curve is what powers great programs like Anki and SuperMemo. Notice how after each and every revision you progress towards better retention.

How is this helpful to us when reading? The second and third steps in this reading system involve the taking and reviewing of notes. Reviewing all notes before reading each chapter will do two things: keep the information fresh in your brain and cement it further into your mind. I often feel as though I’ve read a book many times by the time I read the last page. In my case, reviewing notes takes a maximum of fifteen minutes, a small price to pay for an incredible increased rate of recall. The quality of notes used for reviewing chapters will hugely impact the effectivness of this technique, be sure to subscribe to the RSS feed to make sure you don’t miss that article. The system is really simple:

1. Read one chapter at a time

2. Makes notes as you read

3. Review notes before and after reading

I’m sure you won’t need to read this article again to remember, do share it if you gained from it! Sharing Does Motivates, trust me on that!! 🙂 😉 (y)


                                                                           NEWLY WEDDED WIFE

This story dates back in 2000, happened in J&K. There is district named RS PURA in Jammu. So let’s begin the story, A man in army posted in kargil had to come back to his village in RS PURA because his father had expired. So he left everything and came back to Jammu to look after the property that was left. As he reached RS PURA, it was already night. So he thought of walking on foot to his village which was few kms away. It was late in the night when he witnessed a lady, newly wed sitting on the roadside crying. He tried to enquire about it. The lady told that she got married just few days back and was abandoned by he in laws as she failed to give dowry. She refused to go back to her own house as she didn’t want to be a burden on her ailing father. The man requested her to go to his home and then decide later what she wanted to do. She agreed. As time passed by, the army man out of his worries and troubles decided to marry the same lady. The lady one day asked him,” whenever you come back from outside, cough aloud at doorstep. So that I may know that it is you and open the door. I don’t want any trouble opening door for some stranger”. He agreed!! Now every day the man used to go into fields, do labor and come back. And he used to the same what he was told. One day he was working in the fields, the saint of their village ( commonly called a “baaba” in locals ) came to him and said, ” today when you go to your home, Don’t cough !!simply go inside. You will know why am I asking this”. That day he went straight into the home…and what he witnessed. The lady was sitting on the ground with legs straight. Though she was sitting, She was still taller than him. Her legs almost 10 feet were into the fire of the open chullha ( earth stove ) and she was making chapattis with her feet. She roared at him and screamed at him. The man shivering as he witnessed it. He recalled she had eyes bigger than a tennis ball, they covered most of her forehead. She rushed at him and slapped his back. Man fell unconscious. When he regained senses, he saw the same saint was there and said she was witch! ( daayan in hindi ) also known as jogan in local language. The man still has the imprints of her hand, five long fingers on his back. These signs still narrates the tail to him every night. Spooky isn’t it?

                                                                           JNU, NEW DELHI.

All of you must be knowing about JNU. Jawaharlal Nehru university Delhi. A new boy from an old town got selected there. Being an old town boy and relying mostly on his capabilities and talent he didn’t leave studies and started studying more religiously. He devoted his nights in the big library hall in the campus. Every night he went to local dhabha to have tea and get refreshed. It happened one night, as he was walking along the road to canteen. For your information JNU has forest reserve inside the campus. The campus is huge. So coming back to story, he heard some noise in the bushes…..assuming some stray animal he continued his walk. But when he heard again he looked in that direction and saw the worse he could imagine. There was a tree “Y” shaped. A lady was sitting in the depression of the tree she was coiling her arms around the two branches. Her hair fell right on her face with only a smile peeping through. Her legs almost touching the ground. All she did was smile and staied right at him with eyes wide open… boy felt his heart stopping. He couldn’t believe  it. But he had heard that whenever you encounter such un-natural beings, don’t get scared and run, they latch themselves onto you if you are scared. So he turned around and started to walk as if he wasn’t scared… he recounts and say, ” every step felt like a mile “. I was scared that what if she comes and climbs on my back, attacks me from behind. He walked and walked… reached canteen. He was scared like hell. His friends enquired about the matter and he told them everything. Later they came to know that she was killed in by some guard. Was a student there… and now she roams in that very spot…. Scary.

                                                                          I SEE MY DEAD BOTHER.

This is a story of udhampur, J&k. During baishaki ( festival of northern India ), there is kite flying all around the state. One morning a young boy in his 18s was going to market with his grandfather on his bike. He was driving.. As it happened some kite flew down and its thread was along the roadside. As he speeded.. The thread mercilessly cut opened the throat of the boy. His head fell down as it was sliced by the strong thick thread of kite. He died! Now after his death, he was spotted for 7 straight days in their home by his young brother. His little brother who was 5 years old always woke up at night saying look, bhai is sitting on fan. Sometimes he used to see him on cupboard….sometimes standing near the door staring at the whole family. It is said that after death, the dead one is usually seen by the family member with the strongest bond, and it continues for 7 days. Nature is mysterious, isn’t so?

                                                                                  An old lady!!

This happened in delhi. Was published in local newspaper too. Presenting you a transcript of it. As we know, deepawali, festival of light is originally to eliminate the dark night of amavasya that coincides with it. It is said the dark powers are most powerful during deepawali only. And all the black magic is performed at this time. It is even advised that the elder child must not be allowed to move out from the home in night, NO MATTER WHAT! As these dark powers seek the elder child only which is prone to spells and dark magic. Same is the reason why extensively doors of each room and house has mango leaves hung in front of them. To prevent the entry of any evil spirit into the house. As that day they are the strongest. So now the story.. The main protagonist, his name is ramesh singh. He was a van driver, daily he used to lift labors and drop them to their work site and come back. Later in the day he used to seek work the work. Now as he recalls, that night of deepawali

He was having some passengers to be dropped to some village and from there he had to come back empty. Now as he dropped them and in the village only… he saw an old cemetery. There was an lady worshipping there to dead. She was standing on leg slightly bent and chanting her spells. Ramesh slowed his van, switched off the lights and started seeing what was happening at some distance. She had dead owl, human skull laid on ground and she was circling around it. Just then as fate had it, his phone rang… he cut the call and looked again but she was not there. He thought to look carefully, suddenly he saw her right next to the driver’s window. She was staring at him with hands near her eyes and sticking to the mirror. She was now loudly screaming her spells. He thought now was the time to run. He started his van and started escaping… but what came next was unbelievable. The lady was right along his window now, she was running with the van, laughing and crying at the same time. She had hair which was all set loose. She ran for a mile and then gave up the chase… all Ramesh could hear was her laughs as he drove away….